Why opt for a baby swing?
Most parents agree that a baby swing can be good and a lifesaver when it comes to soothing and calming their little ones. Of course, each baby has its own unique preferences so it’s not always possible to know in advance whether your baby will love it.
Your to-do list may seem overwhelming when you have a new baby, and freeing up time to complete household chores is invaluable. Baby swings provide a secure, comfy environment for your baby when he/she is awake and under supervision. It gives the parents a break from rocking your little one during the day.
Advantages of a baby swing
One of the most obvious benefits of a baby swing is that it gives your child lots of fun but also gives the parents’ tired arms a well-earned break.
As opposed to bouncers, swings provide constant movement for your child, which many babies find soothing. Many baby swings are also equipped with mobiles and music functions like our B-Portable Swings Dolphy’s.
Portable swings are a great option
Parents who have to move their swing a lot of place should opt for a portable swing. They can be handy for small spaces, as they can be folded up and easily stored away. These lightweight swings are also great for transporting, so if you often visit friends or relatives who don’t have baby equipment in the house, a portable swing can be handy to have on hand.
Use it with safety
Before using a baby swing for the first time, it is advisable to read the instructions. Always read the manual first before using a new swing to ensure that all parts are present and that the product has been assembled correctly.
Do not attach any objects to the swing unless they are provided with the product. Some toys are not designed to be used with the swing. Think of things they can pull away as they can cause injury to your child.
Always use the swing’s straps and harnesses, even when the swing is not in motion. Make sure the swing is on a solid and flat floor so it doesn’t fall over.
Can a baby swing too much?
Your baby may love to sit in the swing, and that’s fine! Remember that baby swings, if used safely, can be a must-have for your baby.
However, parents should be aware that keeping babies in the same position for too long is not recommended. It can cause positional plagiocephaly, or a flat head. Babies develop positional plagiocephaly if they lie on their backs for long periods.
Parents should limit the number of waking hours their baby spends in a seat, such as a baby swing, bouncer, car seat or baby carrier, to prevent the baby’s still soft head from becoming flat as a result of sitting in the same position for too long.
It is recommended that babies be given a few minutes of tummy time 2-3 times a day to build up their neck and core strength.
Bo Jungle’s choice for the perfect baby swing!
Are you looking for an adorable and affordable swing? Bo Jungle’s B-Portable Dolphy Swing is the one we advise to you. It’s soft and from high-quality. On top of that, it will make your baby smile while he/she swings!

The back rest is adjustable in 2 positions so you can chose the most comfortable soothing position for the kid. You can even turn on a timer for 15,30,45 or 60 minutes that will make it swinging for that time period Of course to guarantee safety, all our swings contains a safety harness.
For your baby’s entertainment there are 5 different swing speeds and 8 different melodies. The baby can also find a detachable toy arch with two cute elephant toys.
To make it easy for the parents all our swings work on a supplied power cable or on batteries (4 x C/LR14). The choice is yours ! In addition, the baby swing is easily foldable to be stored somewhere else or to transport.