B-Drinking cup CPLA Biodegradable Ochre


B-Drinking cup CPLA Biodegradable Ochre

B-Drinking cup CPLA Biodegradable Ochre


* recommended retail price

CPLA is made from natural plants and not from oil. lt could include corn, cassava, sugar cane, sugar beets, wheat, agricultural wastes and non-food plants. Therefore, CPLA is 100% natural, which means it has zero oil, zero toxicity, zero heavy metal. Further-more, it can be used in microwave and dishwasher. Therefor CPLA is the safest choice for your kids.

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Product details

CPLA is made from natural plants and not from oil. lt could include corn, cassava, sugar cane, sugar beets, wheat, agricultural wastes and non-food plants. Therefore, CPLA is 100% natural, which means it has zero oil, zero toxicity, zero heavy metal. Further-more, it can be used in microwave and dishwasher. Therefor CPLA is the safest choice for your kids.


Additional information

EAN: 1703735520407 SKU: B552040 Categories: , ,
Dimensions 6 × 12 × 13 cm


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